B.A.S.E. Daycare Program

Carlyle Elementary School

B.A.S.E. Daycare Program Carlyle Elementary School Contact Information

For daycare inquiries, please contact us at:

Telephone: (514) 788-0021
E-Mail: Priscilla Gervasi

School daycare services provide care during one or more of the following periods outside teaching hours: in the morning before school, if applicable; during the lunch break, and in the afternoon after school. These services may also be offered on pedagogical days and holidays, during spring break, and at any other time that a need is expressed, provided that the services remain self-financing. Since the school calendar covers a minimum of 180 days a year, daycare services must be provided during at least these 180 days.

School daycare services complement the educational services provided by the school and are primarily focused on recreational activities. In order to provide a complimentary service at the school and ensure continuity in its educational mission, planning for school daycare services is an integral part of the school's educational project.

Daycare services are provided:

  • To ensure the safety and general well-being of the children served.
  • To contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the school's educational project.
  • To set up activities and recreational projects that contribute to the children's overall development.
  • To encourage the development of social skills such as respect, co-operation, and openness to others.
  • To offer homework support after school by providing students with an appropriate place in which to work. (This does not relieve parents of their responsibility to make sure that their child has done his/her homework)