IB Student Action Padlet

The Pre-Kindergarten class was planting for their unit "Roots and Shoots" and got inspired to participate in the Carlyle garden. Students engaged in a discussion on healthy eating and wanted to increase the number of healthy snacks they brought to school. The students planted lettuce and will transfer it into the Carlyle garden. The Pre-Kindergarten students wanted to spread awareness about healthy eating to the whole school.
The Kindergarten classes learned about endangered animals. They then chose an animal that they would like to initiate awareness of in the global community. The result was creating an "I Care" pin.
The Grade one students took action on Earth Day which occurred on April 22nd, 2021 and took it upon themselves to conserve water by making sure to not let the faucet run unnecessarily, they made sure to pack "waste-free" lunches and snacks, and they were mindful about keeping the JR. school yard clean.
During the rearing of their caterpillars into butterflies, grade 2 students demonstrated action by looking up the care of caterpillars at home, researching the characteristics of the Painted Lady butterfly, and sharing their project with the community in a variety of ways. Students also looked out for and "co-parented" each other's caterpillars.
Throughout the unit Up in the Air, our grade 3 students explored the importance of air and how air pollution affects our daily lives. The grade 3 classes chose to make promises to the Earth, to do their part in saving the planet.
Students explored how the Indigenous population and the black community suffered upon the arrival of settlers in North America. Totem poles tell a story and the grade 4 students wanted to represent their PowerPoint presentations through art. Students wanted to increase awareness about the difficulties these communities faced during various time periods.
Our grade 5 classes raised awareness about the Indigenous children in Canada who were sent away to residential schools. The grade 5 students chose to wear orange t-shirts in order to support children's rights and remember the families who suffered.
During their first Unit of Inquiry on government, the grade 6 students at Carlyle learned all about the elections process. They campaigned and prepared for their very own school elections. They worked diligently in groups to create strong electoral promises, which connect with their Carlyle peers. Congratulations to all the candidates and elected officials, Gabriella and William!
On Thursday, September 30, 2021 students remembered the Indigenous children who were taken away from their families and placed in residential schools. Students wore orange to honour their memories and stand in solidarity with their families and Indigenous community of Canada. As a symbol of remembrance, students placed hearts decorated with images and messages in front of the school.